Mrs. Guido's Classroom Website

Welcome To Mrs. Guido's Homepage!!


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Mrs. Cynthia Guido

Classroom Expectations



In our classroom,

we are

friends, teammates, creators, artists,

explorers, authors, world dreamers, changers,

scholars, Heroes




I am very excited for the opportunity to work with your child this year!

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, and answer some basic questions about what is ahead in our classroom.


About Mrs. Guido:

This is my tenth year of teaching. I graduated with a degree in Elementary Education, and a Master of Science in Science Education both from the University of Michigan, Dearborn campus. I am married, and have two beautiful daughters. I enjoy reading, biking, cooking, going on nature walks, and spending time with my family.


What can I expect for my child’s daily classroom experience?


Classroom Goal: Our classroom will be structured to establish a safe, respectful, and engaged learning environment.


**Everyone will meet the following traits:

1. Respect: We will respect all people and all things.

2. Responsibility: We will be responsible for our assignments and our choices.

3. Honesty: We will be truthful in all that we do.

4. Character: We will strive for great personal character.


**Everyone will meet the following expectations:

Our Classroom Expectations:

Be respectful to staff, students and the environment.

Use appropriate language.

Keep hands, feet, and everything else to yourself.

Complete all assigned work.

Be to class on time.


**ALL expectations will be expected, appreciated, and reinforced.



When a student follows the rulessmiley the consequences include gaining personal pride in their performance, having the best opportunities for successful learning, earning good grades, and enjoying fun rewards.


When a student breaks the rulessad the consequences may include a note or phone call to parents, a student writing an action plan, serving detention, and a meeting with the student, the student’s parents, and the teacher. The student's parent(s) may also be required to sit with his or her child in each classroom, if the misbehavior is a continuing issue.  Please refer to the school handbook.


How can I help my child be comfortable and successful in school?


*Make sure your child gets ten hours of sleep each night! One of the greatest learning obstacles for a child is fatigue or sleepiness at school. A child needs at least ten (10) hours of sleep. There are many reasons this can be difficult for families, but it is one of the most important parenting tips for success at school. Lights out no later than 9:00p.m., and that goes for computers, mp3 players, video games, and TVs, too!


*Make sure your child is on time and attends school every healthy day! Excellent attendance is a key factor for success in school. Arriving on time and staying for the full day should always be the goal.


*Think nutrition! Schools all across the nation have been challenged to become more conscientious about children’s health and nutrition. When packing your child’s lunch or sending in treats, please think about keeping the food nutritious.


*Save the perfumes and body scents for the weekends! Perfumes and body scents might be popular, but they can present real health challenges for students and staff who might have asthma or migraines. I ask that we all create a respectful atmosphere at school by not bringing and not wearing strong scents/perfumes to school.


What is my child’s responsibility for completing homework and in-class work?

Homework and in-class work are critical for your child’s success, just as football practice is for the football player, cheerleading practice is for the cheerleader, or piano practice for the pianist. Homework and in-class work are due on the date as assigned. Sometimes I will grade it for completion; other times I will grade it for accuracy and quality. 

Late assignments will have points deducted. Students who do not turn in assignments on time likely will be required to serve a detention as well. It is your child's responsibility to complete each entire assignment, no blanks (giving the “best guess” when unsure), and turn it in when it is due.


How do we know what homework is assigned?

Beside my website, the most reliable reference for homework is the student’s planner. Please check your child’s planner each evening. It is your child's responsibility to copy the assignments, in her or his homework planner.


**Student Planner – Students should bring planners to class with them each day. They will be expected to write ALL assignments in them. Your child is responsible for writing assignments in his or her planner, and is provided with multiple opportunities throughout the day to do this.


How can I support my child’s homework efforts?

I recommend that you check your child’s planner, especially early in the year as students develop important routines and establish personal work habits for success. It is important for you to provide encouragement and the time, tools, and setting (quiet, good lighting, etc.) for doing homework. You will also want to make sure that your child is organized and prepared for the next day of class before (s)he goes to bed at night.


  • TIP: Encourage your child to pack his/her book bag before going to bed!


All Assignments Must Be Neat

Students must do their best on each assignment (quality work), writing neatly at all times using a pencil. When assignments are completed on notebook paper, their first and last name must be in the upper right-hand corner of the paper, followed by the hour, assignment, and then the date.


Mrs. Guido

3rd Hour

Famous Scientist

September 7, 2017



When your child takes notes, they will either write down information in their notebooks from information written on the classroom board, or, while reading reference material together as a class they will write down notes when instructed. Your students will always know what important information they need in their subject notebooks. It is their responsibility to study these notes for future quizzes and tests, and use their notes if needed for homework and/or in-class assignments.


How will my child’s assignments be scored?


As I tell my students, “I don't give grades, you earn them!"


All assignments will be graded on a point system. Each category will be percentage based.  I will mark incorrect answers, and in some cases write in the correct answer. Some projects and compositions will be graded according to a rubric that is set up for that assignment specifically.

Your child will often grade his/her own paper. Having students check their own papers gives them immediate feedback and the opportunity to ask good questions while the learning is fresh! I then collect the work and look over it to make sure each student has a basic understanding of the concept being taught.

Some papers will receive a score that indicates completion and accuracy of the assignment. Other papers will receive a check mark that indicates that your child has received credit for completing the assignment. If there are two grades on the paper, this usually means that re-teaching has taken place, and the child has been re-evaluated.


Here are the categories and their percentages:


Homework:  10%                      In-Class Work:  20%                              Quizzes:  30%                       Tests/Projects:  40%


Absences and Make-Up Work

When students are absent, worksheets or other assignments will be placed in the “Absent Bin” with their name on it. It is their responsibility to pick it up when they return, and will have as many days to complete it as they were absent. It is important that family trips do NOT take place during the school calendar if they can be avoided. If your child misses school because of a family vacation, I do not put together assignments because unexpected scheduling changes, snow days, instructional needs, etc., can drastically alter the material that will be covered while you are gone. When missing school is unavoidable, please have your child continue reading practice. Your child will be given time to make up work upon return.


How can I get in touch with you if needed?

I realize that it is not always possible to get together or talk during the school day. If anything comes up, I hope you will feel comfortable writing a note, leaving a message for me at school, or emailing me. Please do not feel that you are “bothering” me – I want to hear from you! I truly enjoy talking with my students’ parents, and feel that through these conversations students make the most progress in a school year! Due to privacy issues, it would probably be better to provide only general information in notes and e-mail, and save any personal or confidential specifics for when we actually talk or get together.


If you have any questions or concerns at any time throughout the year, please let me know!


Thank you for your support and cooperation!



Mrs. Cynthia Guido





Mrs. Guido's Signature Page for Policies and Expectations




Thank you for taking the time to review this packet with your son or daughter. I appreciate your cooperation in making this a rewarding and successful year of learning!


By signing below, I acknowledge that I have reviewed this packet explaining Mrs. Cynthia Guido’s classroom policies and student expectations, for the 2017-2018 school year.


Please return this page by Monday, September 11, 2017. Thank you!!




Student Name (Please Print)



_________________________________________ ______________

Student Signature                                                          Date



_________________________________________ ______________

Parent Signature                                                             Date